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*** Click DATE to see all matchcards played on that date.   Click CLUB to see all matchcards for that club ***

Division 4 - Standings and Match Cards
Team Wins
Points Won
Points Lost
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
Jun 5
Jun 12
Jun 19
Jun 26
Jul 17
Jul 24
Jul 31
Aug 7
Aug 14
Aug 21
Aug 28
Sep 11
Sep 25
Ajax 6088 51101315Bye541313Bye15   Bye   
Parkway Athletic Club 4075 72Bye614713Bye146150Bye      
Pickering 4068 59711Bye137147Bye9   Bye    
Master Fitness and Squash 3068 8013667Bye107136Bye    Bye  
Dixie 2043 805Bye012127Bye43  Bye     

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